Ideas, debate and action for Europe!

Happy Birthday, EU, and also
"Ode to Joy"! 

Celebrating the timeless anthem of unity and joy that brings us all together. Let's embrace the beauty of music and its power to connect hearts across borders. 


On this #EuropeDay, we remember the Schuman Declaration of 1950, a groundbreaking moment in European integration. Robert Schuman's vision of peace and cooperation remains relevant today, reminding us that cooperation is the key to a stronger and more resilient Europe.


About us


The European Movement in Belgium (EMiB) aspires to a united and democratic Europe. We are a non-profit association that supports European integration by involving as many actors and citizens as possible in the process. Our organisation is therefore open to all individuals, organisations and enterprises that support European integration. Therefore, our members come from all professional, cultural and political backgrounds. Read more about our history and team here.

Our events

The EMiB organises different kinds of events in order to involve a wide range of people in debating Europe, from high-level discussions with key speakers, to cultural evenings and informal talks in our "Café Europa". Check out the 'Events' page to discover what we have to offer!

EMiB Latest...

Want to stay up to date about what we do and have to say about Europe? You can read our latest news items, follow us on social media, or subscribe to our newsletter!

Our Network

Our partners

The European Movement in Belgium is proud to announce its participation in the “Together for Europe” programme, coordinated by the European Movement International.


Under the heading “YOU’re Europe” – 'you are Europe', but equally it’s 'your Europe' — a number of activities will be organized focusing on the economic impact of the single market. Remember, the single market is 30 years old this year!

You can find all inforation on the YOU're Europe project here.

And in view of the EU elections 2024, more exciting news will be coming.  Stay tuned, or contact us directly if you want to know more, or take part / help in our activities!